I’m Susan. I quit my engineering job in 2010 at the age of 51 and have not looked back.
The last thing I want is a J-O-B! Financial Independence is all about finding a way to get more freedom. My goal with this website is to highlight the brilliant people out there who are creating great content and have some really inspiring ideas about FI. I plan on using the blog to chime in and add my two cents to the conversation. I truly hope it helps someone I know step out of the box and find a new path toward their freedom.
Learning to create websites is one of many things I’ve enjoyed learning since I left the cubicle life behind. But that’s just the start. We have had a blast traveling in our trailer and taking some great hikes. I’ve had time to learn about photography and to make videos like “A Sense of Color” and “Make Taiko Drums”. Together with my husband Matt, we make taiko drums for fun and play taiko with Stockton Bukkyo Taiko. Who knows what’s next!